Treeline Journal

Full Responses…

As I was writing this piece, I found that my friends’ words and stories were losing some of their depth and magic when I tried to summarize them. And they were all too important not to include. So, below are the full responses of my fellow mother runners — honest and true and lovely. Read, enjoy, and share in the inspiration to continue the worthy pursuit of running while mothering.

The Questions I asked to each Mother Runner:

1) What does running mean to you / what does it do for you?

2) Why do you run?

3) Have the answers to those first two questions changed since becoming a mom or have they stayed the same?  If they changed, how so?

Becca Ellis:

1) Running is so much more than exercise for me – it is proof that I can push myself to become stronger and reach distant goals, as well as a therapy session where I get into my body and process thoughts and emotions I don’t always pay attention to when the demands of motherhood are front and center. It is also a form of meditation and spiritual practice and paradoxically, a chance to slow down; I have never been able to explain how still the world can seem while I move through it as quickly as I can.

2) I run for my health and (even though it sounds crazy to some) for fun! Running helps me feel good about my body and makes my body feel good. I love the feeling of tired legs after a good run. I love being outside and breathing in the fresh air while I move. I love feeling free to just GO as far and fast or slow as I want to that day (with no little hands or voices there to interrupt or stop me). I enjoy thinking through ideas and life as I run and I love that I am not in competition with anyone, but simply meeting myself where I am and pushing myself where I want to go.

3) I actually didn’t start running until after I became a mom with my second child. I never thought I could be a runner before that (I tried many times in High School, but never got past the winded 1 mile). Then, I had children, and after giving birth twice I was pretty much convinced I could do anything. So one day, I ran 2 miles and pretty much thought I was going to die. But I kept going back out until I could run 3, then 5, then 7, then pretty soon I ran my first half marathon and it has just gone up from there. I think before I had kids, when I would try, it didn’t stick because I just wanted to run to lose some quick calories. Now, it is about so much more than losing weight, so I keep coming back to it. I can’t imagine running not being a regular part of my life.

Emmie Hiersche:

1) Running is something I’ve been doing regularly since I was about 6 years old when my mom started taking me out with her. Running is a huge part of life for me. It balances me out in all dimensions — physical, emotional and spiritual. I’ve never thought of running as something I have to do for exercise, I’ve always just loved it. For the simplicity, the views, the headspace to gather my thoughts (and de-stress). Running is joy, running is happiness, running is life. Running gives me confidence to be my best self and live my best life.

2) I run because it gives me life. Running gets me outside & on trails, where I truly feel as wholesome and happy as I get. I run because it makes me a better person, and therefore I’m able to be a better wife, mom, friend, daughter and overall person to those I love. I run because I love the challenge, and I love the feeling of accomplishment. I run because it makes me alive inside.

3) Running means even more after becoming a mom than it ever has before. The life it gives me to be the best mom I can be is so important. This answer evolves as we go through different phases of motherhood. When my baby was a newborn, running was essential me time. I needed it to survive & know I’m still me through all the huge life changes. The time outside was clutch and whether I was stroller running or solo, I felt like a better mom afterwards because I was more myself. As Brew has got older, it’s been more about extra time with him, showing him what it means to truly love something, work for something, have goals and live your best life. It’s changed because I feel like running is a gift my mom gave me at a very early age, that taught me discipline, goals, hard work, stress management, friendship (the list goes on). So I want to return the favor for my kids too.

Kristen Parnell:  

1) It is an outlet for stress, a way to get out and enjoy nature and a way to do something that improves my health. Running is the first competitive sport I ever participated in and I really enjoyed seeing how hard my body could work and how I could improve.

2) I run for all the above reasons.

3) I think once I became a mother, just getting out to run became hard work, I didn’t run to get out into nature or improve my health it was more because it was something I had enjoyed before kids, a way to connect to that person in a way. It was something that was my own. As the kids have gotten older, I do run now for the reasons I got into it.

Andrea Adams:

1) Running gives me freedom. Freedom from unwanted burdens & obligations. When I run I feel a sense of ease come over me. Gratitude takes over and I’m thankful for the smell of juniper trees and sage brush. I love the sound of my breath and footsteps that lightly kick the gravel under me.

2) I run so I don’t run away from my family.  In all honesty, I run to keep me somewhat mentally sane. The health component is just an added benefit. 

3) Yes, before kids I used to run to stay thin. I was waaaay more body conscience than I am now. My reasons for running have completely changed since having kids and now THREE TEENAGERS in the house. 

Beth Simak:

1) Besides the love I have for my family, running pretty much means everything to me.  It’s more than just a daily exercise routine and more like an expression and often times the experience that makes it matter.  It’s a time I can put away all my busy chaotic days and just decompress. I run when I am happy, sad, contemplative.  Running even on the hard days, at the end of the trail, being outside, in the elements, usually alone, always brings me back to me. 

2) I mostly run for fun, to be outside, and to see pretty places.  Being on the trails for me, surrounded by the beauty of the deep woods, wild flowers, amazing lakes in the area, the views, the sunsets, the early morning quiet, the crunch crunch of a first snow …. that storm rolling in.  That’s why I run. 

3) Because it is harder for me to get out, I am more appreciative of the time I have. Gone are the days where I can leave the house without a watch or phone and just a water bottle and run for hours without a worry.  I also appreciate the mom runs I go on and value time spent in the trails with my lady friends.  Trail friends are the best kind of friends. 

Sammi Betty:

1) Running makes me feel good – in my body and my spirit. It’s probably the most reviving workout that I do. It’s always refreshing! 

2) I run to stay in shape and healthy. I love that you can run anywhere, no matter where you are or where you live! It’s also a fun way to see things.

3) Just like being able to run anywhere, running is basically the only workout I can do with my son without relying on someone else. I can push him in the stroller and go when it fits best in our schedule. I can’t say that I feel as refreshed at the end but I do feel more accomplished! It’s hard pushing the stroller! And when I do get to run on my own it feels extra amazing!

Beth Hoeck:

1) Running is going outside, which I love! It’s always challenging but keeps me sane!

2) I run primarily for weight loss, cardiovascular health, and fitness. Secondly, it’s actually a fun sport that takes little to no equipment. Thirdly, it’s my anti-depressant. I come in the door from a jog and feel so uplifted and happy!

3) It’s pretty much the same! The only difference is I run with stroller now

Stephanie Hackbarth:  

1) I feel like running has always identified me in some sort of way.  I runI call myself a runnerI’m part of a running group…label it whatever you want!  But it’s an activity that I enjoy doing (most of the time) and I’ve done it for quite a few years (started with some fun runs at 6 or 7 years old).  And for me, it’s also a social outlet…whether it’s a long run with a friend or a stroller run with a fellow mama!

2) In addition to what was mentioned above, I run because it helps keep me fit and sane…for the most part!

3) I definitely still identify myself as a runner, and to be honest, I probably appreciate it more now than I ever did before.  Life is busy with three kids, and as a mom, so much of my time and energy is devoted to my kids.  Many miles are logged behind the double stroller, but whenever I have the opportunity to run or race on my own — it’s me time!  

And I still run to keep myself fit, sane, etc…but with all the chaos that comes with young kids, there’s probably more emphasis on the sane part right now!  When I’m able to head out for a run, breathe some fresh air, and get those endorphins flowing, it usually helps mellow me out for the day.  And everyone tends to be happier when mom is in a good mood! Running is also empowering, and I think it’s even more so after becoming a mother.  Now whenever I race, I’m typically running with less training, less sleep, and less energy in general.  But as I’m out there passing other runners, it’s both empowering to see what my body is still capable of and motivating to keep at this sport!  And if nothing else, there’s always the thought of, “I gave birth to three babies, and I’m still passing this guy!” to fall back on!